Over the past several days, the Persistence has been working with the help of the Aruban police in shallow water. The Police safely escorted boaters out of the area allowing the Persistence to work and maneuver freely. .JPG)
Fri 22-Feb 1300 hrs
The Persistence is working in shallow waters today. Working in shallow waters is in one sense a relief compared to the deep water areas. The shallower water is protected by the island both in terms of wind and currents. As a result, the area is serene and beautiful. On the other hand, the shallow water area contains its own set of hazards. Closer to shore, passing boats, coral, and underwater obstructions increase the risk of damaging equipment.
Sun 17-Feb 1700 hrs
The decision to not immediately re-arrest Joran van der Sloot has not affected the resolve of the search team. Despite the poor weather, survey operations continue.
Fri 15-Feb 1100 hrs
Over the past few days, progress in the deep water areas has been hampered by 14ft seas and 30kt+ wind. The conditions are simply too rough to work safely. Today, the Persistence headed out to the survey area, completed a single line, and headed back to the dock after getting pounded in the rough conditions.
Special Notice:
The dedicated ocean search for Natalee Holloway has been underway since mid-November, 2007. What began in Louisiana during mobilization now culminating in Aruba, the search has utilized some of the best search equipment and personnel in the world. To date, approximately 900 miles of sonar data has been collected covering a geographic area 80% the size of Aruba. The search has required a painstakingly slow approach which in the end leaves no stone unturned.
Although slow, this approach is extremely effective in marine search and recovery. Since the beginning, the search has been privately funded by Louis Schaefer Jr. of Underwater Expeditions who remarkably and gracefully accepted the financial burden when requested by Texas Equusearch and Natalee's parents. John Silvetti of Marine Surveys, Greg Landry of Offshore Innovative Solutions, Erik McGuire of Seatronics, along with Agiosat and Wilkens Weather Service came beside Louis to conduct this humanitarian effort. To put this search effort in financial perspective, an equivalent search conducted for industry would involve costs well exceeding several million dollars. This project has been conducted for about 35 cents on the dollar, with costs still exceeding a million dollars.
Although we have searched and ruled out an extensive portion of the original planned search area, a substantial portion of the high-probability area yet remains to be explored. Now, following a publicly confirmed admission that Natalee Holloway was disposed at sea, we are confident that completing the focused search area will bring closure. We therefore formally invite and request anyone who this humanitarian effort has touched to get involved and to help support the remaining search efforts. Donations are being handled by Texas Equusearch, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Please come beside those who have already given so much to help ensure a proper funeral in Alabama for Natalee Holloway. Please make all donations marked as: "Holloway search".
To learn more about Texas Equusearch and to help support the search for Natalee Holloway, check out: http://www.texasequusearch.org/donate.html
Texas EquuSearch Office:
4013 FM 517, Suite B
Dickinson, Texas 77539
P. O. Box 395, Dickinson, Texas 77539
Office: (281) 309-9500
Fax: (281) 534-6719
Toll Free: (877) 270-9500
Email: donate@texasequusearch.org
The Persistence is working in shallow waters today. Working in shallow waters is in one sense a relief compared to the deep water areas. The shallower water is protected by the island both in terms of wind and currents. As a result, the area is serene and beautiful. On the other hand, the shallow water area contains its own set of hazards. Closer to shore, passing boats, coral, and underwater obstructions increase the risk of damaging equipment.
Sun 17-Feb 1700 hrs
The decision to not immediately re-arrest Joran van der Sloot has not affected the resolve of the search team. Despite the poor weather, survey operations continue.
Fri 15-Feb 1100 hrs
Over the past few days, progress in the deep water areas has been hampered by 14ft seas and 30kt+ wind. The conditions are simply too rough to work safely. Today, the Persistence headed out to the survey area, completed a single line, and headed back to the dock after getting pounded in the rough conditions.
Special Notice:
The dedicated ocean search for Natalee Holloway has been underway since mid-November, 2007. What began in Louisiana during mobilization now culminating in Aruba, the search has utilized some of the best search equipment and personnel in the world. To date, approximately 900 miles of sonar data has been collected covering a geographic area 80% the size of Aruba. The search has required a painstakingly slow approach which in the end leaves no stone unturned.
Although slow, this approach is extremely effective in marine search and recovery. Since the beginning, the search has been privately funded by Louis Schaefer Jr. of Underwater Expeditions who remarkably and gracefully accepted the financial burden when requested by Texas Equusearch and Natalee's parents. John Silvetti of Marine Surveys, Greg Landry of Offshore Innovative Solutions, Erik McGuire of Seatronics, along with Agiosat and Wilkens Weather Service came beside Louis to conduct this humanitarian effort. To put this search effort in financial perspective, an equivalent search conducted for industry would involve costs well exceeding several million dollars. This project has been conducted for about 35 cents on the dollar, with costs still exceeding a million dollars.
Although we have searched and ruled out an extensive portion of the original planned search area, a substantial portion of the high-probability area yet remains to be explored. Now, following a publicly confirmed admission that Natalee Holloway was disposed at sea, we are confident that completing the focused search area will bring closure. We therefore formally invite and request anyone who this humanitarian effort has touched to get involved and to help support the remaining search efforts. Donations are being handled by Texas Equusearch, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Please come beside those who have already given so much to help ensure a proper funeral in Alabama for Natalee Holloway. Please make all donations marked as: "Holloway search".
To learn more about Texas Equusearch and to help support the search for Natalee Holloway, check out: http://www.texasequusearch.org/donate.html
Texas EquuSearch Office:
4013 FM 517, Suite B
Dickinson, Texas 77539
P. O. Box 395, Dickinson, Texas 77539
Office: (281) 309-9500
Fax: (281) 534-6719
Toll Free: (877) 270-9500
Email: donate@texasequusearch.org
$$$ is coming your way!
Issaquah, WA
Keep up the great work guys!!!!
You bet Kyle. I did it tonight. We say we support you; this is called putting your money where your mouth is.
God's speed to the Persistence crew.
I accepted Katablogs challenge today. :) I wish I could have given more, but I am unable to do so.
I did, however, post a link on Digg (http://digg.com/) to try to get more attention to this. I urge all of your readers to go to http://tinyurl.com/ywndy5, log in and click digg it so it can get to the front page of Digg and draw more attention to the need.
Thank you crew of the Persistence and workers of Texas Equusearch. You have given us such great hope that maybe, just maybe, Natalee can be brought back home here to Alabama, to rest where she belongs. Bless you all.
god bless all of you
money is coming
Thank you for all you are doing in the search. The world is grateful.
I just wanted to stop by this blog and say that for years I have prayed about your daughter. I had the chance to visit Aruba a year ago and as I was there she is all I could think about. I never understood why I took such a personal interest in your daughters case but as time has gone on I just see that maybe its because God wanted me to keep praying.
Although the recent news that Natalee is no longer with us is harder than I could even imagine as a parent I believe God is doing so many things in this situation. Keep praying, God always brings the darkness to light.
I pray that the people responsible for her death are held accountable for their actions and even if never in this life know that they will face God, the judge of all judges one day and that He will have the final say.
Bless you all,
Gretchin Anderson
Millions of us have been praying for Natalee and her family all over the world. Just imagine if we all just sent a dollar or so to TES! Thank you Tim and Kyle for not giving up!
Not just sending money -
but sending EMAILS to everyone I know asking for them to also send money -
and asking for them to also send out emails to all the people THEY know ...
and on and on...
and for EVERYONE to post this info on their websites and blogsites!
Please, everyone who reads this post - Do THE SAME !
Have everyone email and keep on emailing all their contacts!
Have everyone post this info on their websites, and blog sites, and have everyone they know do the same!
They are already out there searching - so KEEP that wonderful specialized ship there until they have searched the entire area surrounding all of Aruba (does not have to be just the area by the hotels - could be they dropped her at the north side, then east side, then south side, etc - search it all) so Dave and Beth will know for sure if Natalee is - or is not - in the ocean surrounding Aruba somewhere.
God bless you all!
I challenge everyone to give 10.00. I had a bad year, re: Income and I gave 40.00.
Everyone please give. These guys do great work, not just on the Natalee case but others as well.
It takes 5 minutes out of your day to write a check! Do it!
Issaquah, WA
I just recieved a $100.00 bonus check and donated it to them. Bridget is going to donate when she gets her check.
Although I could not have any children, I am extremely grateful that you have taken on this seemingly impossible task of finding a child.
To the crew of the Persistence and Texas Equusearch, I look forwarding to meeting you all in person one day. In my heart, you rank the highest in all of the U.S.A. Be safe and we love you.
Lisa from FL.
hi crew, we saw you on greta--OTR- feb 11-08 and it's great to put a face or 2 with a name. We see how ferocious the seas are. we are grateful for all your hard work. God Bless you all and your families too!
I saw the coverage on Fox and a Dutch News Station..God bless you guys..I hope all is well and I pray the mission is succesful this week.
greta - on the record - fox news
did a great piece last night on you guys. here is the link to my YOU TUBE of it.
my thoughts & prayers are always right along side of ya'll. i know in my heart you'll find her soon!
bring her on home.
My donation has been made "In memory of Natalee". God bless your search efforts. Thank you Tim, Kyle and the entire Persistence crew.
I opened my heart and may wallet.
I hope all who read this can donate something. If you can donate $10.00 please do so, every dollar helps. This is money well spent. The Persistence Crew are the epitome of good samaritans, We are so blessed to have them searching for Natalee. God Bless you all.
Justice for Natalee Ann Holloway
Much longer video of the Persistence on Dutch TV.
I pray this Flag is seen on the way back to America. God Bless the Persistence!
good video at the Netherlands site but I don't understand Dutch. Seems to me Aruba is again complaining about the boycott by tourists. We owe Aruba nothing. Aruba owes Natalee's parents huge apologies and assistance in locating her body. Julia Renfro is disgusting.
Go Persistence. Hope to see the Jolly Roger flag fly.
Thank you to all the crew that are still searching. Still praying every day for you. Appreciate everything you are doing for the Holloway family. You are my heros!
Joran is once again free, no arrest. I am as many are sickened by the judges ruling. Our only hope is that you the crew will be successful in finding Natalee. If she is truly there we know you will find her. God Speed. We love you guys.
Yesterday's news out of the Netherlands tells us that Joran will not be re-arrested. We aren't surprised.
We can only hope now that Persistence can at least bring Natalee home. God will be Joran's, Paulus' and others' final judge.
I sent my contribution earlier in the week, and I have also sent emails to all my friends and family asking them to support you in this cause.
Kyle, thank you for keeping us updated in this critical search.
Our prayers are with the Persistence crew in this critical search.
Kyle and Persistence Crew,
I saw Greta's show and it was so nice to put faces to some of you. The hope that your search has given Natalee's family and so many of us who will never give up is priceless. Thank you again for the sacrifices you have all made to continue searching for her! I am making a donation now of $100, and will continue to donate to this effort as long as there is a need. God bless all of you and keep you safe!
Persistence Crew: Anxious to hear how things are going, how you all are doing. Love all the antecedents you can give us. The video and pictures have been fabulous.
Hey Guys:
Know you are busy, but when you can please give us an update. You are our only hope. So many discouraged by no rearrest for Joran. It is all so unfair. Take care and we have you in our prayers each and every day.
Justice for Natalee
hi i think that in time the young man will slip up and the truth will come out to a girl friend or buddy,i trully beleive that his dad was involved and both parents know the truth,thats whom should be questioned endlessly.my heart goes out to natalees family,and my prayers,i think they should be digging up there back yard, and looking for evidence at there home,and retracing his dad and moms every move.people should not do buisness in aruba as the police covered it up.god bless natlees family.
Go Persistence!
[b]Chris Hansen reports on the Natalie Holloway investigation[/b]
[b]'Dateline' Friday premieres with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look inside the search for Natalee Holloway's body this Friday, Feb. 22 at 10pm ET[/b]
NEW YORK - - February 20, 2008 – As new information is heating up the Natalee Holloway case, "Dateline" Friday premieres with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look deep inside the investigation and continuing search for her body. The hour-long broadcast, reported on by Chris Hansen, includes an exclusive interview with a friend who was with Natalee the night she disappeared who is speaking out for the first time, both of Natalee's parents and the leader of the search party. The report will air at 10 p.m. ET.
David Corvo is the executive producer of "Dateline NBC."
Hi Kyle and Team Persistence!
I will be happy to make a donation.
Thank you for all you are doing in trying to bring Natalee home.
God bless all of you.
God bless Dave and Beth and their families.
And God bless Natalee.
We look forward to hearing and seeing more about the Persistence on Dateline.
Hope you are all keeping safe. We continue to appreciate you all.
The Persistence is certainly living up to it's name. I am one of the many still checking for your updates everyday...thinking of you, praying for you, rooting for you and so inspired by your efforts. I am also fascinated by the technology you are employing. Steady On Persistence and crew!
You all have been heavy on my mind this week and I have been praying for you and your families. Thank you for being the kind men you are.
Look each day for an update on our heroes. I know you are busy, but when you can would love to hear what and how you are doing. You are the best!
Justice for Natalee and her family.
God Bless each of you and keep you safe.
Watching dateline right now. you all are in our thoughts and prayers. we hope you all know that your efforts and sacrifices (your families too) are so greatly appreciated that it's hard to find words to compliment . god bless!
raz&sharon and family
God bless all of you for all of your hard work each and every day and not giving up! It's people like you that give hope to this world. Thank you. I just donated.
I've donated and trying to spread the word!
Great show on Dateline tonight!
Tim, I met you in Columbus,Ohio and you still rock! The most awsome, loving person and honorable man I've ever met!
You are ALL true HERO'S!
Saw Dateline last night. What a tear jerker. We simply can't understand all that Dave and Beth have been through. Dave appears to be at his breaking point and really needs to be held up in prayer.
Too bad the van der Sloots don't watch this over and over so they can come to understand just what pain Paulus and Joran have caused.
Thank you team Persistence for understanding how important it is to Dave and Beth to bring Natalee home.
This is 1 of the most brilliant expeditions in history.In addition 2 finding Natalee we find hope & realize the abundance of each day we live.Im am from Mobile,AL & went on a cruise 2 Bahamas 4 my senior trip.So easy 2 identify w/ Natalee.Im praying 4 your crew daily & believe God is blessing all of you.Sincerely, Anita
Nothing from you guys for many days. Hope everything is okay and you aren't fading into the Aruban sunset.
News says the fabric didn't match Natalee's clothing, but they probably wrapped her in some kind of fabric before they put her in the crab trap!
I was hoping to read some good news since you haven't posted since Friday. Are you sure the materials don't match? if you don't have the blouse to match it how can you be sure?
Hoping you find something.
And also hope to see a post again. Thanks.
I'm a bit confused. If a body had been placed in a crap trap and dropped into the ocean about 3 years ago - would fabric be the only thing one would expect to find?
I'm dismayed to hear the search might have to end before it's complete. I do hope others make a donation to help it continue. Greta announced this on her program last night. I've blogged about it a couple of times - what else can we do?
Please don't stop searching. There has got to be something, somewhere. I feel like you guys on the crew praise the Aruban Police, and I'm not sure how you can give them any credit at all. Anyways, I hope you find something in those shallow waters you are looking in. I can't wait to see another post and pictures by you guys. You are all heroes!
Dearest all,
My family has donated to Beth's fund for the search twice. Hope this contributes to your effords. If thee is anything else I can do, please let me know.
God is with you!
Latest news (maybe a rumor but reported by Bondia) is that Joran is in a mental hospital. Think you guys are getting too close for Joran's comfort?
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